1) Direct call on office : 1) 9970599774 , 2) 9414456385
Mobile : 1) ( 08875014876 / 09352214113 / 09414456385) 2) 7737555706
whatsapp 9352214113, 7737555706 (give Product_name and brand, your_name,contact_number(s), problem )
(office hours mon to sat 11:00 am to 8:00 pm)
You can also Whatsapp your complain if your call is not answered or during off working hours giving your Name, PhoneNumber, Address, BrandName , Problem to 9352214113 or 7737555706.
2) By filling complain form click here
3)By emailclick to send now
Option 1 is most prefered......we are extermely sorry if your call is not answered. please whatsapp you complain to 7737555706 and 9352214113